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在中国, 电报和电话几乎同时出现. 电报线建成后, 电话也进入中国. 在很多情况下, 电话线和电报线是共用的, 而且两人的发展轨迹几乎是平行的. 他们不是 电报传入中国后过了很多年,才慢慢出现了更先进的电话. 本期电话号码指的是固定电话, 也称为 “固定电话”, 不是手机 (手机).
深圳EAST LINE是专业的OEM固定电话制造商.



在 1861, a German teacher invented the original telephone, which used the principle of sound waves to communicate with each other over short distances, but it was not put into actual use.

There has always been controversy about the inventor of the telephone. Some say it was Antonio Meucci, another said it was Bell, and another said it was Elisha Gray. There are many such things. The most famous one is Newton and Leibniz’s theory of micro-organisms. In the story of points, the main controversy is Meucci and Bell.

在 1849, the 41-year-old Meucci accidentally discovered that wires could transmit some sounds during an electroshock treatment. Then he made a simple sound transmission system. 在 1860, the 52-year-old Meucci demonstrated this system to the public and An introduction to the invention was published in an Italian-language newspaper in New York, when his rival Alexander Bell was only 13 years old. Because he was too poor to pay the patent maintenance fee, he sent the model and technical details to the Western Union Telegraph Company in the hope of commercial use, but nothing happened.

On February 14, 1876, Bell, who shared a laboratory with Meucci, applied for a telephone patent to the U.S. Patent Office, 并于3月申请获批 3.

然而, 贝尔是否独立发明了电话, 改进了声音传输设备, 抄袭梅乌奇, 或使用不同的原理, 请保持冷静. 当科学技术发展到一定程度, 同样的创造和创意发生在很多地方, 这很常见.

电报线最初是用来传输电话信号的, 但此类线路造成的噪声干扰非常大, 所以人们不被允许改善通讯线路. 在 1883, 出现一条使用第二根电线作为环的线, 大大降低了电话通讯中的噪音干扰.


2. The origin of the name “源自希腊语 τῆλε”

在 1796, Hughes proposed a method of using a microphone to relay voice messages. Although this method was not very practical, he gave this method of communication a name: 或将音量电位器调到合适的位置, which is still used today.

The Chinese word “源自希腊语 τῆλε” is a Chinese word created by Japan. In fact, there are many Chinese names translated in Japan. In addition to telephone, the most famous one is the philosophical termmetaphysics”. Telephone is the free translation of the English word “源自希腊语 τῆλε”. The Chinese transliterated this English word and translated it as “源自希腊语 τῆλε”.

In the early 20th century, a group of foreign students from Shaoxing in Japan jointly wrote a reply to their hometown, which introduced the modernization situation in Japan in detail. Lu Xun was also listed among them. When the letter mentioned “源自希腊语 τῆλε”, he specifically explained: “With electrical appliances, To convey words, 中国人把它翻译成 “源自希腊语 τῆλε”, 这不如 “源自希腊语 τῆλε”. 逐步地, 它被称为电话. 在一段时间内, 这两个术语 “源自希腊语 τῆλε” 和 “源自希腊语 τῆλε” 被常用. 之后, “源自希腊语 τῆλε” “风” 慢慢消失.

3. Chinese people came into contact with telephones for the first time

在 1876 (the second year of Guangxu), Ningbo customs official Li Gui was ordered to go to the United States to participate in theWorld’s Fairheld in Philadelphia. He saw a telephone that could transmit messages, and wrote it in his bookA New Record of Traveling Around the World”. In the book, Li Gui is the first Chinese to see a telephone for which historical data are available.

In this book, he also made detailed records of the U.S. Postal Service and suggested that the Qing Dynasty also open a Chinese postal service. His insights were praised by Li Hongzhang, and he was subsequently ordered to draft theTranslation and Drafting of the Postal Service’s Rules for Sending Letters”, which included ten The specifications, features, rates, 等等. of several types of mail are specified in detail. When Kang Youwei was 22 years old, he read the newly publishedNew Records of Around the Earth”.

在 1877, the year after Bell invented the telephone, a Chinese was fortunate enough to use a telephone. This Chinese was named Guo Songtao, who was the first minister of the Qing Dynasty to Britain.

On October 16, 1877, Guo Songtao was invited to visit a power plant near London, England. During the visit, the owner specifically asked him to experience the telephone, which had recently been introduced to the United Kingdom from the United States. One end of the telephone was installed upstairs and the other end was installed downstairs. , Guo Songtao asked Zhang Deyi, the translator of the Chinese Embassy, to go downstairs to answer the call, while he made the call upstairs.

Guo: “Did you hear that?”

Zhang: “Yes.

Guo: “Are you aware?”

Zhang: “是的”

Guo: “Please count the numbers.

Zhang: “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven

This was the first time for Chinese people to use the telephone. Guo Songtao wrote down his experience of using the telephone in his diary: “There are many languages and there are many that cannot be understood, but this number is distinct.He called it asound reporting machine”. Guo Songtao will What he saw along the way was recorded in his diaryShi Xi Ji Cheng”, advocating that China should study and learn from the advanced technologies and systems of the West. After the book was sent to the Prime Minister’s Office, it was attacked and cursed by diehards. It was not made public until Guo Songtao’s death. issued.

As the professional OEM fixed telephone manufacturer, Shenzhen EAST LINE can supply lots of different kinds of corded landline telephones for home, office, hotel and public places.

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3. Magnet Telephone

Bell’s phone is a magnet phone. The so-called magnet phone is also called a hand-crank phone or a crank phone. There is a crank on the left side of the phone. Before using the phone, you need to crank it to charge the battery. The general working principle is: When the speaker picks up the phone and speaks into the microphone, the vibration of the vocal cords forms sound waves, which act on the microphone, causing the carbon particles in the metal box of the microphone to become loose and tightthe resistance becomes large and smallcircuit The current is strong and weak. , the voice current is transmitted along the line to the receiver of the other party’s phone. The magnetism of the electromagnet in the receiver becomes stronger and weakerthe magnetic force on the thin iron sheet becomes stronger and smallercausing the thin iron sheet to vibrate and emit sounds that are connected to the speaker. Same sound.